Monday, September 26, 2011

Modern Day Vintage

As I begin branching out more in my photography to include photographing people and not just the nature that I love so much, my mind is constantly filled with themes, ideas, locations, outfits, props...etc (I'm not going to lie, I keep a little notebook with me filled with these goodies). What better way to play around with some of these ideas than on willing friends :). My friend, Tori, is beautiful on any day, but she was radiant for this "folk inspired" vintage shoot. It was really just somewhat random that I used Tori for this set, but I don't think anyone else could have been any more perfect. I only wish I had a better laptop right now to keep editing more images from her shoot (and so that the ones edited would be that much better, as my current laptop set is..well...lacking), because there was very few "unworthy" photos.

Thanks again, Tori, for being my guinea pig for a couple of hours!

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